It is always safer to have things in the natural way. There are less worries of experiencing side-effects because, basically, they have no harsh ingredients; all because of one bold reason- they are natural.

Now, in dealing with eczema, we could always rely on the power of natural treatment.

  • Regular intake of water aids in hydrating and retaining skin moisture. This way, dry skin is relieved and can somehow give liberation from so much pain. Two liters of water daily is recommended for persons going through eczema.

  • Probiotics or good bacteria are found in the digestive tract of a person. These are live micro-organisms that fight against bad bacteria to strengthen the digestive tract and immune system. If probiotics are taken by children, chances are, the development of eczema can be reduced. These are really helpful for children especially in avoiding the symptoms of eczema.

  • Taking of natural supplements such as vitamins C and E and virgin coconut oil helps make up skin damages. These can repair damaged cells because of the anti-oxidants properties of the mentioned vitamins plus the powerful moisturizing effect of virgin coconut oil’s natural oils.

  • An oatmeal bath is one yummy way to sooth skin’s dryness and inflammation.

  • Get rid of stress to avoid eczema symptoms attack. Manage stress by inhaling flower essences that can lower the increasing stress levels.

  • Healthy lifestyle is always the best. Nothing beats clean living with discipline. Avoid smoking, drinking of alcoholic drinks and other dirty activities to maintain a clean life.

  • All of these methods will indeed treat eczema. However, none of these methods will cure eczema.

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    How To Cure Eczema

    Eczema is a form of inflammation that causes the skin to itch. The frequent the itch, the greater the urge of scratching. The more they scratch, the worse the eczema becomes.

    Generally, eczema is characterized by dry skin and tends to become inflamed. When the irritated area is always scratched, the eczema rashes begin to appear. Blisters with pus emerge eventually, which creates more painful eczema experience.

    There is no cure for eczema, as doctors say. But they assure that there are treatments available, to give relief to patients who are suffering from eczema.

    Instant relief from drying up and scratching can be achieved by intense moisturizing. Diet also contributes to clear up eczema, at some point.  But these, alone, are not enough. Thus, medications are prescribed by the doctors to have better control over eczema; especially if the case is severe. Some of these are topical steroids and oral catabolic steroids.

    Topical steroids are steroid creams that aim to reduce itching and flaming. However, this can’t be applied in a child’s face and can’t also be used by a pregnant woman due to the active ingredients of the cream.

    Catabolic steroids are usually in form of tablets, taken orally. During the course of usage, side effects such as weight gain, bone thinning and high-blood pressure may be experienced.

    All of these methods will indeed treat eczema. However, none of these methods will cure eczema.  

    For more details and treatment, Click here


    Children with Eczema

    Eczema may develop to different kinds of people. It can hit even the wealthiest person alive. All people are prone to acquiring this kind of disease. No one’s excuse; not even children.

    Survey says one out of ten children gets eczema. It appears, typically before the age of five. Upon seeing rashes on your kid, consult a pediatrician and a dermatologist immediately to confirm the diagnosis.

    Babies and children up to 5 years old get eczema on the forehead and cheeks, normally red, inflamed rashes with bumps. These become even painful for kids when the eczema develops with fluid-filled blisters that may eventually burst. 

    For older children, eczema develops on knees, wrists, ankles and elbows like round red scaly patches.

    Bear in mind that your child needs not to be isolated from other people because eczema is not dangerous and contagious. So you don’t have to stop your kid from going to school. You can avoid the flare up by doing the following prevention and tips.

    • Give your child clothes made of cotton. This help the skin breathe and cool down. Also, the scratchy feeling in reduced as well.

    • Use mild and gentle soap with warm water when bathing. Fragrance free soaps are gentle on skin. Use a cloth to apply the soap and never rub the skin roughly. 

    • Regular moisturizing of the skin could help. Use creams and ointments that are advised by the doctor to maintain the skin’s moisture and reduce irritability. 

    • Tell your child to avoid scratching and rubbing the affected areas. This may just worsen the situation and in the long run, start up painful flare.  

    • Make sure to keep your child’s nails trimmed down and clean.

    • Keep your environment clean and dust-free. Also restrict pets on some areas at home.
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    Atopic Eczema

    Atopic is a disease distinguished by chronic inflammation of the skin. This is also called atopic dermatitis and can be hereditary. This is actually the most common form of eczema. Babies, children and adults are prone to this disease. But deviating from other people’s belief, it is non-contagious.

    Those who suffer from this disease normally experience red, flaky, irritated and itchy skin. Babies have rashes in the face, elbows and knees. Children and young adults usually have the symptoms inside the elbows, behind the knees, on the wrist and on the side of the neck and hands. But of course, symptoms vary from one person to another. These are caused by the skin’s abnormal reaction to irritants and allergens scattered in the environment.  

    Aside from allergens, the disease may come about through other factors such as stress or fatigue. But typically, it attacks with other atopic diseases such as hay fever and asthma. So those people with history of these allergy problems have the biggest probability of undergoing the chronic inflammation of the skin and can be aggravated through the irritants and allergens.

    To prevent atopic eczema, one has to know first what triggers the allergic reaction. Here are some common triggers among eczema sufferers:

    • Changes in temperature
    • Foods like peanuts, soy sauce, and etc.
    • Clothes made from wool and other abrasive fabrics
    • Allergens like dust, animal dander, mold, pollen and etc.
    • Chemical irritants like astringents, perfume, detergents, alcohol, paint, pesticides and harsh soaps.
    • Extreme fatigue and stress
    • Other skin infections

    Basically, the prevention is obvious. One has to avoid these triggering factors to avoid eczema even for a short time only.

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    Get Rid of Eczema

    The skin is the largest organ of the body. They say it reflects the body’s condition inside. When something’s wrong within, it will manifest outside. So when the skin gets blemishes and other awkward skin problems, that simply indicates something is off the beam.

    In getting rid of eczema, people consult the doctor right away. The doctor, then, gives the patient right treatment for the problem after the diagnosis. Creams are the usual prescription for eczema patients. But to better handle the situation, get rid of eczema through these basics.

    • Cleanliness is really of big help to your battle against eczema. See to it that your surroundings are free of dust, mites and mold because these can trigger the reaction.
    • Know which food to be avoided to cut down the risk of allergies.
    • Do not use detergents as much as possible. These just worsen eczema and cause irritability because of the chemicals contained. These just remove skin’s natural moisture.
    • Moisturize everyday. Dry skin aggravates the problem. Use moisturizing soap that is gentle to soften skin and retain its moisture. Application of lotions and creams after bath are great in preserving damp and moisturized skin.
    • Doctors do not advise long bathing for people having eczema. But bathing is needed, too, to hydrate and clean the skin. Use bath oils to keep moisture locked in the skin. After bath, never rub the skin. Pat it gently to avoid skin flare up.

    Wrapping up, eczema won’t heal overnight; thus ample time is needed. Just be patient enough in following the aforementioned tips to prevent eczema in getting worse. Click here for more details

    Eczema Treatment

    If a patient is diagnosed of eczema, the doctor automatically determines what type of eczema it is to come up with the right treatment plan. The doctor also considers other factors like the patient’s medical history, family health history and the severity of the eczema.

    Eczema is a kind of inflammatory skin condition, wherein the skin suffers from dryness, swelling and itchy feeling. Having this kind of disease is really terrible because there are cases in which itching doesn’t stop and is really painful. So with this treatment plans, an eczema sufferer can somehow feel relieved and appeased. Here are the common treatments for eczema.

    Moisturizers. Specialists recommend frequent skin moisturizing. Dryness of the skin aggravates the problem of eczema; hence it is important to always retain moisture in the skin by regularly applying moisturizers. You can use creams and ointments as means and source of moisture. Emollients are great for dry skin, too. Ask your doctor so you can better find the right one for you.

    Oral antihistamines medications. These fight the histamines that trigger symptoms of inflammation. Histamines are naturally produced in the body. So upon taking oral antihistamines, at one point, the symptoms of eczema are reduced. Some types of these medicines may cause drowsiness. Thus, before getting them over the counter, always double check by asking a chemist or a doctor.

    Corticosteroids or Topical steroids. These creams have different strengths. High strength ones usually have side effect especially when used on the face. It may cause thinning of the skin when used for a long time. Apply the cream in the most affected area after bath, but make sure the skin is thoroughly dry.

    All of these methods will indeed treat eczema. However, none of these methods will cure eczema. Click here for more details